Deep Learning With R

less than 1 minute read

First thing to do before we start coding, let’s prepare our machine.

1) install R 2) install miniconda :

Windows users: 1) Run RStudio 2) library(tensorflow) 3) install_tensorflow() (If asked to install miniconda, say “No” because you already have it installed). Then it will lunch the tensorflow intall, it may take some time.

To activate this environment, use:

> activate r-reticulate

To deactivate an active environment, use:

> deactivate

Linux users:


wget chmod +x bash -p $HOME/miniconda3 #### then : conda install tensorflow (make sure to close/reopen the console in order to let changes to take effect)

sudo apt install python3-pip

Here is a link to follow to install “tensorflow” via pip3 : Tensorflow via pip you can also see how to set up a virtualenv. virtualenv –version

sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip sudo pip3 install -U virtualenv # system-wide install
