Web Scraping With R

less than 1 minute read

layout: post title: “Understanding web scraping with R” categories: [blog, AI] tags: [artificial intelligence, ml] —

#First, we load the library we’ll be using library(rvest)

page <- read_html(“https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?groups=top_250&sort=user-rating”)

header_nodes <- html_nodes(page, css = “.lister-item-header a”) rating_nodes <- html_nodes(page, css = “.ratings-imdb-rating strong”)

#header_nodes #rating_nodes

title <- html_text(header_nodes) #title rating <- html_text(rating_nodes) links <- html_attr(header_nodes, “href”)

title_rating_df <- data.frame(title, rating, links)


Again, this is just for test —

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